Levelling-up circularity in the fashion industry

多种颜色的各种线轴, 包括红, 蓝色的, 粉红色的, 和米色, are densely packed together with some threads loosely hanging over them.







Irene Martinetti, Manager, Circular Economy, WBCSD & Elisabetta Rocchi, Associate, 循环过渡指标, WBCSD

行动的呼声是响亮而明确的. 今年5月, Global Fashion Agenda’s CEO, Federica Marchionni declared: “Every company must depart from business as usual” at the Global Fashion Summit, spotlighting the need for the fashion industry to take sustainability to “the next level” to meet 2030 和 2050 sustainability targets.

与此同时, the industry continues to lose USD 460 billion annually due to a lack of recycling 和 garments thrown away in l和fills (2023年联合国环境规划署)​; 和, USD 65 billion in apparel exports remain at risk due to climate-change related events including flooding 和 extreme heat (BoF和麦肯锡,2023). 


However, there are good reasons to be optimistic. Innovative circular business models including resale, 租赁, 修复, 和 remaking have the potential to grow up to 23% by 2030, representing a USD 700 billion opportunity 和 a cut of a third of the emissions linked to the fashion industry (EMF, 2021).

Ie, regulatory changes continue to drive positive transformation in the fashion industry. Multinationals trading in Europe must now report on their circular resource use under the new Corporate Sustainability 和 Reporting Directive (CSRD); 和, because the fashion 和 textile industries are considered high-impact sectors, 新的规定将很快实施, aimed at reducing textile waste 和 supporting the Eco-Design of products (Eco-design 可持续 Production Regulation, ESPR). 除此之外, 强制性数码产品护照 will drive traceability across the value chain 和 deliver more transparency for investors 和 consumers.  

Scaling circularity 和 enabling transformation

Circular solutions are the only way for businesses to meet their revenue 和 sustainability targets. Our goal is to help businesses scale circularity 和 enable transformation across the value chain. 我们用我们的 CTI时尚倡议 和  循环过渡指标 (CTI). The CTI Fashion initiative helps companies develop compelling insights about how circular business models create financial, 环境, 和 social value; 和, 循环过渡指标, bring companies a user-friendly approach to measure the performance of their circular business models. We help companies build on regulatory requirements 和 communicate the value of circularity to shareholders 和 stakeholders alike.

The CTI metrics show that using recycled instead of virgin polyester, companies can see 碳排放显著下降 和 that circular alternatives for cotton (certified regenerative) allow for 91% 和 95% less l和 use 和 l和-use change impacts 与线形棉相比. 循环解决方案也可能导致高达 水回收率95%. 


Circular action delivers against more than net-zero 和 nature-positive targets, it also delivers toward a more equitable world; indeed, circularity can deliver production 和 consumption models that promote more just societies. This requires careful management to move away from the inequalities of linear supply chains, 防止负担转移, 提供更公平的模式. This is why WBCSD’s CTI will update its circularity metrics to measure the quality of jobs created by circular business models. 今年CTI也将如此 showcase the value of circular business modelsexplore key enablers for scaling transformation. 另外, we are engaging leading circularity companies from the fashion 和 textile value chain to develop a state-of-the-art approach to measuring circularity progress

加入我们的旅程吧. 我们的指标, 知识, 和 commitment to scaling circularity can help you transform your business 和 lead the way in circularity.



The CTI时尚倡议 is a collaborative effort led by WBCSD, VF Corporation, 和 Deloitte. 由VF基金会资助, the initiative counts on the participation of over 35 businesses from the value chain 和 a strong ecosystem of players. The first report, launched in January 2024 offers step-by-step guidance to assess the circularity performance of global fashion 和 textiles value chain actors through sector-specific circularity metrics 和 features use cases developed by front-runners.  

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