COP28 Action Agenda on Regenerative 风景: accelerating the transition

Global food systems are facing significant sustainability challenges that demand prompt and collaborative action

Modern food systems contribute to about a third of total 温室气体排放 and require large amounts of water, 能源与土地, 从而导致生物多样性的丧失. 此外, the system is characterized by inequitable access to food and resources as well as an increased vulnerability to shocks.

的广泛采用 再生农业 has a critical role in shifting to global food systems towards meeting the needs of present and future generations without depleting nature.

Regenerative landscapes prioritize the restoration and enhancement of ecosystem functions and support farmers’ empowerment and livelihoods.

Regenerative agriculture involves practices such as cover cropping, 轮作, 没有耕作, reduced use of chemicals and holistic grazing with the aim to improve soil fertility, 水潴留, 生物多样性增强, carbon sequestration and to foster more resilient agricultural systems.

Working at a landscape level creates an opportunity for farmers and stakeholders to engage with local communities, 恢复自然生境, manage water sustainably and improve soil health – thus impacting not only farm-level outcomes but also the broader ecosystem.  

Transitioning towards regenerative landscapes requires a multifaceted approach involving financial incentives and technical support for farmers who adopt sustainable practices, 有利的政府政策, research and development efforts to improve these techniques, 以及教育方面的努力. Global and collective action is indispensable. In this context, corporations play a crucial role. 

The COP28 Action Agenda on Regenerative 风景 is a flagship initiative led by the COP28总统, the World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) and the 波士顿咨询集团 (BCG),并得到 联合国高级别气候卫士 (益). 它的目的是聚集, accelerate and amplify existing efforts and new commitments to transition large agricultural landscapes to regenerative landscapes by 2030. 

The Action Agenda will drive impact by creating the transparency needed to unlock and scale up efforts over the years

COP30将是一个关键的里程碑, where participants will be required to show progress across five key impact areas – soil health, 温室气体排放, 生物多样性, 水与农民生计.  

The COP28 Action Agenda on Regenerative 风景 aims to work together in the lead up to COP30 to overcome key challenges and jointly accelerate the transition towards future-proofed food and agriculture systems. 

食品价值链参与者, 金融家, local governments and other stakeholders are invited to engage with the Action Agenda to:  

  • 促进透明度  

  • 获得合作伙伴关系  

  • Help to accelerate public-private collaborations  

  • Benefit from collaboration, knowledge and best practices sharing  

  • 获得融资渠道  

  • Contribute to alignment towards a commonly accepted outcome framework  

  • Inspire other players by showcasing efforts and results achieved   

Hectares of ongoing and planned regenerative landscape projects per country







农业和粮食高级主管 & Member of the Extended Leadership Group

Deviah Aiama

国家统计局高级经理 & 风景



Managing Director and Partner, 波士顿咨询集团


气候 & BCG的正规博彩十大网站排名

Teodora Fantigrossi

Project Leader at 波士顿咨询集团







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